What Did Large Investors Do in April 2024?

By Irene Aldridge (https://twitter.com/irenealdridge)

Post date: 2024-05-10 07:46:48 GMT

Hint: Bye, Canada!

According to AbleMarkets, in April 2024, institutional investors were unfazed by the market sell-off and continued to accumulate stocks highly correlated with the markets (high-beta stocks). Among the high beta stocks, institutions sought out higher priced, lower volatility issues. The top institutional long picks in April 2024 were Franklin Financial Services Corp. (FRAF), Global Indemnity Group LLC (GBLI) and Adams Resources and Energy, Inc. (AE). Institutional investors were also seen accumulating emerging markets holdings through ETFs like Invesco Emerging Markets Momentum ETF (EEMO) and Hartford Multifactor Emerging Markets ETF (ROAM). At the same time, institutions divested from their Canadian holdings and selected lower-priced stocks.

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