Post date: 2024-02-08 18:33:21 GMT
This chart shows distribution of institutional flows for JANX: % buyers in green and % sellers in red. The proportions of the institutional flows are estimated as a % of the total volume traded in JANX on 02/07/2024. As the chart shows, most recently there is more mass on the buyers side of institutional flows than on the sellers side. However, the history of institutional flows and their relative proportion over time also matters. The 20-day trendline shows the slope of -1.5%. This implies that the trend has been neutral.
Janux Therapeutics, Inc. (JANX) is a biopharmaceutical company that focuses on developing novel cancer treatments using innovative technologies. Founded in 2017, the company's mission is to transform the way cancer is treated by leveraging its expertise in both immuno-oncology and small molecule therapeutics. JANX utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach to drug development, combining insights from biology, chemistry, and computer science to identify and develop potential therapies. With a strong team of experienced scientists and executives, JANX has made significant progress in advancing its lead candidates towards clinical trials, giving hope to patients and their families battling cancer. The company's commitment to pushing the boundaries of cancer treatment makes them a key player in the biotech industry and an exciting prospect for investors.