Post date: 2024-07-16 16:13:13 GMT
This chart shows distribution of institutional flows for XOM: % buyers in green and % sellers in red. The proportions of the institutional flows are estimated as a % of the total volume traded in XOM on 07/15/2024. As the chart shows, most recently there is more mass on the buyers side of institutional flows than on the sellers side. However, the history of institutional flows and their relative proportion over time also matters. The 20-day trendline shows the slope of -13.2%. This implies that the trend has been dominated by institutional sellers.
Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM) is one of the world's largest multinational oil and gas companies, with a long-standing history in the energy industry. Headquartered in Irving, Texas, the company was formed in 1999 through the merger of Exxon Corporation and Mobil Corporation. With a presence in over 70 countries, XOM has a diverse portfolio of businesses including exploration, production, refining, and marketing of crude oil and natural gas, as well as manufacturing and selling chemical products. The company has a strong financial position, making it a leader in its industry. However, XOM has also faced criticism for its contribution to carbon emissions and environmental concerns. Despite these challenges, XOM continues to be a dominant player in the energy sector and remains committed to providing reliable and sustainable energy solutions for the world.