Netflix soars on AbleMarkets' NewsAI index (other stocks do, too)

By Irene Aldridge (

Post date: 2023-02-07 14:56:18 GMT

Good News/Bad News: Quant traders and portfolio managers have a new opportunity to leverage Good News/Bad News analysis for successful trading strategies in the U.S. cash equities and equity options market.

With the emergence of news-based AI technology, quant traders and portfolio managers now have a competitive edge in U.S equities and options markets. Using AbleMarkets remarkable NewsAI index - backed by groundbreaking technology developed through years of research conducted by Aldridge & Avellaneda (2021) – they can access key insights into market performance within hours instead of weeks! Figures 1 & 2 illustrate this advantage; showcasing how profits increased substantially following positive signals from the new tool over several years on Netflix Inc shares alone.

Similarly impressive results are available for other equities, commodity futures, currencies and other financial instruments. The scope of NewsAI is currently limited to the U.S. markets, but we are looking for investors to help us expand into the European and Asian market coverage! Please contact us today if you'd like to learn more.

The potential applications of this technology are far-reaching and with more investment, it has the ability to change global financial markets as we know them. If you are an institutional investor, portfolio manager, quant trader or work in any field related to finance, I urge you to subscribe to AbleMarkets now and take advantage of the edge their news-based AI provides.

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