China, Ukraine news as well as tech and media to weigh down the markets this week

By Irene Aldridge (

Post date: 2022-11-21 14:49:43 GMT

A tough week ahead, but bright spots persist.

The global financial markets are complex and ever-changing, and it can be difficult to keep up with all the latest news and developments. However, if you want to be successful in trading or investing, it's important to stay informed. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the key market news and developments that AbleMarkets projects will drive the markets this week, as well as some stocks that you should keep an eye on.

The news from China and Ukraine is expected to weigh down on the U.S. market sentiment this week. In addition, concerns about the tech sector and media companies are also likely to impact the markets. However, there were some bright spots. For example, American Airlines (NYSE: AAL) was picked up by the AbleMarkets Corporate Filing AI index as a medium-term buy. Both HFTs and institutional investors have been selling AAL, potentially offering an even better buy opportunity.

On the flow spectrum, according to the AbleMarkets AHFT index, HFTs have been trending mostly negative, that is, selling the U.S. markets over the past few days. The institutional investors also delivered a highly negative flow last Friday, November 18, 2022, per AbleMarkets Institutional Investor Activity Index (IIA). Both institutional investors and HFTs are trending slightly positive on volatility.

In sum, this week is likely to be a tough one for the U.S. markets. However, there are some bright spots too. There may be opportunities to follow in the footsteps of HFTs who use our NewsAI index to profit from market movements. So don't miss out -- buy the AbleMarkets NewsAI index today!

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